Thursday 10 May 2012

US Republicans respond to Obama's support for same-sex marriage

Republican party grandees reacted with fury, astonishment and a little curiosity to President Obama's vocal support for same-sex marriage.

Having spent a lot of time vacillating on the issue, and having teased Republicans further by saying his views on the matter were "evolving", Obama finally expressed his opinion that same-sex couples should enjoy the same rights as anybody else. The President told ABC that "At a certain point I just concluded, for me personally, it is important for me to go ahead and affirm that I think same-sex couples should be able to get married". He said he had been swayed by the service of gays and lesbians in the US armed forces, which is odd as after saying he'd repeal the 'don't ask, don't tell' policy in the run-up to the 2008 election, he then spent two years doing fuck all about it.

Naturally, the Republicans were outraged by the President's comments. "This is typical of the Democrats", said right-wing evangelical nutjob and spectacular point-misser Ralph Reed, "forcing people into homosexual relationships. Any God-fearing American would be appalled at having to shack up with another guy and do whatever it is they do in the comfort of their own homes."

Erstwhile Republican candidate for the Presidency Newt Gingrich said that this was typical of the Democrats and their love of 'big government'. "We in the Republican party believe that government should not be involved in the day-to-day lives of Americans. Except of course when it comes to telling you which bits of you that you are/are not allowed to insert into which bits of which other people". He continued to protest too much, saying "Who does Obama think he is to say that consensual acts between grown adults are not the business of government? He's basically worse than Stalin".

"This is an assault on the traditional marriage", the thrice-divorced Rush Limbaugh hypocrisised as a nation wondered why on earth anything Limbaugh has ever said has been given credence.

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