Friday 11 May 2012

Health alert sends Wapping into lockdown

A serious health alert has seen the Wapping area locked down for fear of contagion.

Water quality and air conditioning experts are being sent in to the News International headquarters in Wapping to try and trace the source of infection. Structural engineers, airborne disease experts and virologists are also on their way to try and trace the outbreak to it's origin.

Problems have been noted in people who have spent a lot of time in the area and it's thought those most exposed have acquired a degenerative brain condition. This first manifests itself in patchy short-term memory whereby the sufferer can only recall things that either aren't self-incriminating or point the finger elsewhere. Anything directly or tangentially attributable to the sufferer is forgotten.

Other symptoms include endlessly repeating a clearly fabricated story long after it's been discredited and an inability to take facts at face value. Sufferers may also fail to recognise that some things are beyond social norms such as massive corruption, undermining parlimentary process and publishing personal, private medical details.

Anyone suffering any of these symptoms and has spent time in the Wapping area at any point over the last ten years is advised to report to the Leveson inquiry.

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