Thursday 5 January 2012

Uncontroversial statement causes outrage

A totally inoffensive and non-controversial statement on social networking site Twitter today caused a massive storm in a teacup.

People who were trying to make it look like they were doing the job they were elected to do and not just pissing around on the internet seized on the statement and attempted to score cheap political points by making the non-controversial statement sound as if there was a semblance of controversy attached to it by quoting the statement without a shred of historical context.

This transparent attempt at politicking gained far more ground than it ever should as media outlets with agendas to push more or less cited the 'rivers of blood' speech and invented a history of oppression of the white man to drum up some controversy, the initial statement on Twitter clearly not having any attached to it. The person making the statement had been so harangued that she was forced into an apology, but as it was one of those modern apologies where one apologises for the offence caused, thereby throwing it back on the person one is supposed to be apologising to like it's their fault, it didn't really mean anything anyway and can be ignored.

The teacup was unharmed.

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