Tuesday, 9 March 2021

Piers Morgan still a twat despite saying something you agreed with last year

 TV irritant Piers Morgan is still a twat, according to new research, despite him having said something last year that you agreed with.

With many people having reassessed Morgan's twattishness on the back of saying something you agreed with over the last twelve months, research from The Institute Of Stating The Bleedin' Obvious shows that underlying levels of twattishness remained even during this period.

"With him having said something you agree with", Dr Todd Bonzalez from the institute told us, "his expected twattishness (xT) remained high throughout. You just thought it had dipped because he was, for a change, bullying someone you didn't like". 

The shock of adjusting back to the previous state of being aware just how much of a twat Piers Morgan is has clearly hit many quite hard. "I thought he had changed", said one member of the public, "when I saw him bawling out that pathetic twat Matt Hancock last year. But now he's had a crack at someone I'm mildly sympathetic to.. well we've all been duped haven't we?"

Dr Bonzalez says this is down purely to perception and low levels of expectation. "A slight plateau in an otherwise vertically-upward trend can appear to be a recession, especially when there are so many twats in the public eye as there have been over the last year. But Morgan's relentless twattishness really never went away and neither has his ability to make everything about him."

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